An Online Awareness Session on Organ Donation for Choti Duniya Society Members, Uttar Pradesh

Updated on Thursday, October 10, 2024

    On 22 September 2024, Sakshi conducted an informative online session on organ donation for the members of the Choti Duniya Society in Uttar Pradesh. The session aimed to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation and to address common queries regarding the process.

    During the interactive session, participants actively engaged and raised several important questions. They inquired about the optimal timing for organ transplantation, emphasizing the need for timely intervention to save lives. Additionally, members asked how to take the pledge for organ donation and expressed their interest in becoming donors. There was also significant interest in understanding the eye donation process, with participants seeking details on how to proceed with donation and its impact.

    Sakshi provided comprehensive answers to these queries, highlighting the critical role of organ and tissue donation in saving lives and improving the quality of life for recipients. The session concluded with a call to action, encouraging participants to consider making a pledge and to spread awareness within their communities.

    Overall, the session was well-received, with 35 members attending and 10 participants taking the pledge to support organ donation, fostering a greater understanding of this important cause among the members of the Choti Duniya Society.



    Source-Ms. Sakshi Kshirsagar
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