On 11th October 2014, Legal Rights Organization, Tondiarpet, Chennai initiated a sensitization programme for their Lawyers Associations. Dr. B. S. S. Jegan, President invited Cadaver Transplant Programme to have interactive session & Stall on Organ Donation. Mr. Prakash K Transplant Coordinators was deputed from MOHAN Foundation to speak on the programme.
The Transplant Coordinator spoke about the Concepts of Organ Donation. The following topics were covered during the talk:
Soon after the talk the transplant coordinator displayed an information stall in front of the gate. Totally 180 lawyers picked donor card and supported the noble cause. At the end of the programme the Dr. Rathina Singh gave a vote of thanks.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad