On October 8th 2024, a community program was organized by ambassador K. Bharath sri (intern from MSSW), at Don Bosco Social Service Society (DBSSS), Pullianthope, Chennai were invited for the awareness program. This awareness program aimed to educate and empower the staff on organ donation.
Mr. Senthil Kumar, Transplant Coordinator of Stanley Medical College Hospital was the resource person. Around 15 staff participated in the program. Mr. Bharath sri K distributed brochures and green ribbons.
The program was started with a small introduction about MOHAN Foundation by Mr Bharath sri, followed by a talk on the concepts of organ donation, types of organ donation, laws and legislation and difference between brain death and coma. Discussed about the current waiting list of Tamil Nadu. The talk ended up with a donor story.
Mr. Senthil Kumar shared his insights about organ donation, and personal experiences he went through. He also conducted a question and answer session to the participants and clarified the doubts on organ donation. The DBSSS wished to conduct another program for their SHG community in Pullianthope area.
Questions asked:
1. What is the difference between coma and brain death?
2. Whether the donor card is legal?
3. Whether my family will be recognized after my donation?
MOHAN Foundation and Ambassador Mr. K. Bharath sri thank Fr. Sebastin and Sis. Mani for supporting the program.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad