In association with the VANAMATI Agriculture Training Center, Dharampeth, Nagpur, MOHAN Foundation organized an awareness program on 26th September 2018 on organ donation for trainee agriculture officers from all over Maharashtra.
Dr. Ravi Wankhede Director of MOHAN Foundation, Nagpur conducted the session. Following a short interaction with the trainees, the concepts of organ donation were explained using a presentation. A video clip explaining brain death was also shown to the participants. The presentation covered topics including types of death, brain death, organ and tissue donation in various scenarios, importance of safe driving and the registration process for organ donation.
He also shared information about the rate of organ donation worldwide as well as India in particular, and requested the trainees to use MOHAN Foundation website and the helpline number for better understanding of the situation. The trainees had questions relating to the following topics: process for body and eye donation; priority list for organ donation; cost for kidney transplant.
Approximately 30 trainee officers were present and one signed the consent form for donating organs and took the donor card. At the end of the talk Ms. Sushama Deshmukh, Trainee In-charge thanked Dr. Ravi Wankhede and the trainees. MOHAN Foundation thanks Mr. Sandeep Khodwe, Professor at VANAMATI for the invitation and the participants for the opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad