“ANGDAAN” an event organized by NCC (Army) at Anna University, Chennai

Updated on Wednesday, May 4, 2022
  • Angdaan (Donation of Organ), an awareness session was organised by the NCC cadets of Anna University, to create awareness in the Swami Vivekananda Auditorium and publicised all over the campus. Over 200 student and teachers participated and made the event a great success.


    On April 29, 2022, the session begun by 17.00 hrs, with a warm welcoming speech from a NCC cadet, who highlighted the importance of Organ Donation. Col Jobee Philip, (OC, 1 (TN) CTC NCC) the special guest of the event shared his personal experience on how organ transplantation gave his friend a second chance. His talk motivated the students.


    After a brief introduction on MOHAN Foundation by the NCC cadets, the awareness session on organ donation begun. Ms Preetha Baskar - Project Executive, MOHAN Foundation briefly walked the audience through the concept of organ donation. The session was quite interactive and the question were reserved for later. Mr Johnson, Transplantation Manager, Kauvery Hospitals continued the session and elaborately explained the transplantation process and the follow up that happens post transplantation. He also mentioned the involvement of government and all the legal procedures involved. 


    Ms. Jaya Jayaram, Project Director, MOHAN Foundation Mumbai, shared her experience, as a kidney recipient and process she went through. This guest was online through Google Meet.


    The Q&A session lasted for an hour and the queries by the young minds of Anna University were clarified by Mr Johnson. 112 students and teachers registered to pledge their organs during the event. All the participants were given certificates. 


    MOHAN Foundation thanks cadets Cpl. Kavya M  and Cpl. Vigneshwaran  A B for the organization of the event.

    Source-Ganesh C
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