On 20th October, Ms. Rashmi Shetty conducted an awareness talk on organ donation for Pantomath Capital Advisors, Pvt Ltd. This programme was organized by Ms. Bharathi Ranga, who is a kidney recipient and a TRIOMPH group member.
Ms. Bharathi welcomed the speaker and started the session by sharing her experience being a kidney recipient and inspired others to pledge their organs. The session was then taken over by Ms. Rashmi, she discussed about MOHAN Foundation and its activities and touched upon the below topics-
Lastly, she shared information on the ways the audience could get involved and support organ donation. She encouraged and appealed to each one of them to become ambassadors of organ donation. She also encouraged the participants to take part in the Tata Mumbai Marathon. 15 people participated in this session.
We thank Ms. Bharathi Ranga for taking an initiative to create awareness about organ donation in her workplace and supporting the cause of organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad