A talk on Organ Donation for devotees of Buddha at Ekata Mata Nagar, Buddha Vihar, Nagpur

Updated on Monday, April 18, 2022
  • On 9th April 2022 Mr. Bulu was invited by Mr. Sailesh Dharamdikari - President of Ekata Mata Nagar Buddha Vihar, Nagpur.

    Mr. Bulu Behera started his presentation by thanking Mr. Sailesh for inviting him and giving him an opportunity to discuss about organ donation to the devotees. He then introduced himself to the audience and briefly explained about the below topics on organ donation

    1. What is organ donation and tissues donation?
    2. What is the age limit for organ donation?
    3. What is the process to pledge organs?
    4. What is brain death and natural death?
    5. What is the difference between coma and brain death?
    6. Importance of donor card & helpline number?
    7. What are the legal procedures for organ transplantation?
    8. Information about MOHAN Foundation and its activities was discussed in detail.


    The audience expressed their feedback by appreciating MOHAN Foundation. They thanked Mr. Bulu for conducting a valuable session on organ donation. The session was interactive and informative. During the discussion the audience raised certain questions which were as follows

    • What is the cost of Kidney Transplant?
    • Can a living person donate a portion of liver to the needy?
    • Where is MOHAN Foundation’s office?


    Around 20 participants participated in the session. The session motivated 2 of them to pledge their organs. Mr. Sailesh Dharmadikari delivered the vote of thanks and expressed his heartfelt appreciation to Mr. Bulu.


    Source-Mr. Bulu Behera
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