A residential complex celebrates organ donation day

Updated on Monday, August 14, 2017
  • It was amazing to see children performing Silambattam, a Tamil Nadu traditional dance form on the occasion of Organ Donation Day on 13 August 2017 at a residential complex.  A MOHAN Foundation trained volunteer under the Angels of Change program, Ms Shanthi Pandiyan organised an awareness session at her housing complex at Velacheri in Chennai.  

    The program started with the dance performance followed by a talk on organ donation by Ms. Anjana, another volunteer from Tagore medical college. Posters made by children were displayed and the children explained their posters. All were given gifts by MOHAN Foundation. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde explained the work of MOHAN Foundation and urged everyone to support the cause.   Nearly 50 residents attended the function and all were given a green ribbon, information brochure and a sticker with the helpline number. About 15 residents pledged to donate their organs and picked a donor card.

    MOHAN Foundation thanks the Angels of Change for organising the event.


    Source-Hemal Kanvinde
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