MOHAN Foundation Chennai office was fortunate to have Mr. Sumon Chanda, a senior Transplant Coordinator, in the Australian National Liver Transplant Unit, Australian Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. He spent time with the transplant coordinators on 5th and 6th January 2015 to understand the system of Deceased Organ Donation in India.
Mr. Sumon Chanda had an interactive session with the Transplant coordinators on deceased organ donation protocol followed in Australian and New Zealand. He explained about Australia and New Zealand Organ Donation (ANZOD) Registry, Organ Allocation Process and Counselling. He showed the model of monthly report and the structure followed in all the hospital for deceased organ donation. He mentioned that for every section of the donation and transplantation process there are guidelines- which are strictly followed. Documentation of every case is one of the most important part of his duty.
The transplant coordinators shared their experience in deceased organ donation programme in Government Hospital, Chennai. The following points were discussed:
The interaction was very useful to share the knowledge between the transplant coordinators. Mr. Sumon Chanda promised to participate in the MOHAN Foundation activities in future.