MOHAN Foundation was invited for an Organ Donation awareness program by 1 TN BTY NCC Battalion on 02nd August 2017 at 5pm at Sri Sai Ram Engineering College. This was for 500 young cadets at their camp. Mr. Siva Shankar and Mr. Jaya Prakash represented MOHAN Foundation and conducted the event in the college seminar hall.
The program started with issuing ribbons to the NCC cadets in support of Organ Donation. Followed by Mr. Jayaprakash thanked Lt. Col. Murugesan who organised this program for the NCC cadets, and spoke about the MOHAN Foundation and its activities. Then Mr. Siva Shankar started the concept talk about Organ Donation and its need in the society. The topics discussed were:
The program continued with the Missing Letters game on some of the concepts of Organ Donation. The cadets enjoyed the game so much that they were very eager in answering the questions loudly. MOHAN Foundation is happy that every cadet in this Battalion has knowledge on Organ Donation and its concepts.
The students raised so many doubts. Some of the doubts were:
Lastly the program ended with a National Anthem. MOHAN Foundation thanks Lt. Col. Murugesan for organizing this program. All NCC Cadets attending the program were given an information brochure.